We must stop the remnants of “Faqash” takeover of Somaliland

 Lewis Center, Ohio— “Sooley, Sooley” is the official song of Cirro’s 2024 presidential campaign! And If Cirro wins in the November election, this song will become the official National Anthem of JSL.

Sooley, Sooley: This song originated during the Las-Anood insurrection in 2023. and became popular among pro-Somalia groups and other terrorists fighting against Somaliland National Defense Forces (SLNDF) and was a rallying cry for the SSC- Khatumo militants. 

By choosing this song Cirro is insulting the soldiers who fought and died gallantly protecting Somaliland territory, their families, and frontline communities facing the violent militants. 

What Cirro and his surrogates are doing is despicable. This reckless act is another example of how Cirro and the Wadani party are aiding and abetting those who hate us and plotting to harm Somaliland. They are against our Republic, our constitution, and the Somaliland National Defense Forces SLNDF) that are preserving and protecting our nation. Cirro has undermined the territorial integrity of Somaliland.

The Pro-Somalia Wadani party and the SSC-Khatuma militias have recently agreed a peace deal in Erigavo!  Cirro/ Hersi and their surrogates are begging the emboldened Dhulbahante militia to hold off their attack on Erigavo until the election.

Cirro is anti-law enforcement and provided material support hardcore criminals who killed 15 policemen and wounded dozens——the deadliest police attack in our history. — at Gacan Libaax Mountain on August 11, 2023. He accused SLNDF committing a genocide in Las Anood battle. He became the mouthpiece of the Darood tribal militias and the terrorists that are fighting in Eastern Sool region.

 Cirro chose to put his own personal interest ahead of the country. We are paying a heavy cost. His modus operandi is using clan identity “TOLAYEEY”,political panhandlers, rogue clan chiefs, violent criminals, brown-envelope journalists, corrupt merchants, and militant “Ictisaam” clergies, to cover his barbarous political project. 

These groups have contributed so much to the lawlessness and bad governance that prevailed JSL for the last two decades. They do not believe in our constitution; they hate our system of government, our flag and our country. They are determined to take over our government and bring it under the control of the so-called Federal Republic of Somalia. 

The Wadani party was formed right after the 2012 rigged local elections. And is largely synonymous with Cirro and Hersi, who helped create and funded it with foreign money. And now, anti-Somaliland groups are using the party as a vehicle to dismantle Somaliland as we know it.

If Cirro wins the 2024 election, he vowed to finish the unfinished project Hersi started in 2012— to make JSL a member of the federal state of the failing Somalia—which is what the remnants of “Faqash” have been craving for decades! 

 We need patriots like you to help save Somaliland from the “Faqash 2:00” takeover of Somaliland.

 If we do not act now, the pro- Somalia Wadani party will win the November election and will continue to attack Somaliland and those who fought for our freedom and the founding principles of our nation. They will implement destructive policies that would destroy our nation. 

 It is time when all Somalilanders from every social class unite in our resolve to defend the nation under attack. Somaliland has stood down enemies before, and we will do so this time.

 It is hard to forget what took place in Las Anood last year. We know how the Bihi administration mishandled the insurrection in Las-Anood, and the deadly attack on our police officers at Gaban-Libaax Mountain.

We are also aware of the slow response from the government to tackling the high inflation. And Bihi blatantly supporting the pro-Somalia wadani part council as the new Mayor of Hargeisa over the former mayor, and some other host of issues. Despite all of that, the alternative is a fraud who is doing the dirty work of Somaliland’s enemy. 

 We need to unite at home and abroad. It is something our nation needed during the challenging time. Waving the white flag of surrender patriots is not an option as the pro-Somalia Wadani party is doing. 

But your support will help us to stay on guard to defeat this pro-Somalia agenda and restore what our SNM veterans fought for in a free, safe, and prosperous Somaliland. 

 Make no mistake, it will not be easy. The remnants of Faqash are in a relentless pursuit of power under the guise of wadani party, and they will not rest until they make Somaliland a member state of the failing Federal Republic of Somalia.

That is why I can no longer be a bystander as pro-Somalia forces assault Somaliland identity, values, and way of life. We must fight back and defeat Cirro/ Hersi in the ballot boxes in November 2024.

 Somaliland is at a crossroads. The November 2024 election is a choice between those who are fought for and now protecting Somaliland, and those who are waving the white flag in order for JSL to become part of the failed state of Somalia. It’s a stark contrast.  

Finally, law and order, and accountability will be restored throughout the country, and a stronger Somaliland will prevail after the Election!

 May Allah Bless JSL 

 Ali-Guban Mohamed

Editor, Gubanmedia.com


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