Eid Mubarak from Gubanmedia

Eid Mubarak

This Friday, the 9th of Dhul- hijjah the pilgrims have flocked to Mount Arafat to observe the most important ritual of the Hajj.Tomorrow, we will observe and celebrate Eid al-Adha with congregation prayers and feasts with family and friends.

A pilgrimage to this gentle hill 12 miles south-west of Mecca is believed to represent the Day of Judgment, when Islam says every person will stand before Allah and answer for his deeds.

Mount Arafat is where the Prophet Muhammad preached his last sermon in AD 632, three months before his death.

The Prophet ﷺ said: “There are no days in which good deeds are more beloved to Allah than during these days. The Sahaba said: O Rasul Allah [Messenger of God], not even jihad in the path of Allah? He ﷺ said: Not even jihad in the path of Allah except for the man who goes out in the path of Allah with his life and his wealth and returns with neither of them.

The day of Arafat is a day when one’s sins can be forgiven.It is narrated that the prophet said, the day,”Expiates the sins of previous year and that of the following year.”

I hope that you already broke your fast or fasting now with worship and prayers because today is the holiest day of the world. Allah has chosen the day of Arafa to be very very special.We must take advantage of the blessing of this day.

I sincerely wish you and your family a blessed,happy, wonderful and healthy Eid  al-Adha. May Allah respond to our prayers and all of our good deeds, during the first ten days of the month of Dhul-hijjah, and throughout the whole year.

Let  our prayers and thoughts be with the Somalilanders and other Muslims who are facing droughts, economic hardship, hyperinflation, and a host of other problems.


Ali-Guban  Mohamed

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